Bathroom Installations

Drawing on our extensive experience, we can offer advice on every aspect of creating the bathroom of your dreams. Whether you wish to simply upgrade the fittings of your existing bathroom or create an entirely new living space to improve your home and enhance your lifestyle, we can help you to make the right decisions to achieve your goal.

Bathroom Layout

Using either materials that you have selected yourself or have chosen from those available from our recommended suppliers, we are confident that we can fit a bathroom that will meet all of your expectations.

Whatever you wish to create by way of a new living space, we can help you achieve your goal. We are able to undertake projects of any size, from initial consultation and design, through to completion.

Quality Guaranteed

We guarantee all of our work to the highest standard, and carry fully comprehensive private insurance. All new electrical and gas installation work that requires certification under current building regulations will receive the relevant 'Part P' or 'Corgi' documentation on completion.

Our Aim

We aim to complete all contracts with the minimum of fuss and disruption to the customer.

How We Work

We undertake every phase of any given job from beginning to completion. Plastering, plumbing, studwork and any carpentry required for the realignment of joists or necessary alterations to existing flooring is carried out by a member of our team, as is any electrical rewiring and installation. We also do all of the tiling and decoration ourselves, and can either provide and fit a variety of floor finishes, or use one of our chosen operatives in the case of specialist flooring.

Baxter heating

A Gas Safe Registered Business no. 203090